Pet Portraits by professional photographer John Yeatman Jr in Lewes, Delaware

Dog Photography
Dog Photography
Dog Photography

Dog Photography

Don’t let the time slip away!

We pet owners enjoy a special relationship with our furry friends. Whether they are AKC or a rescue or some mix in the middle, we love them all the same. Our love for our pets runs deep!

Our dogs are there for us and we are there for them. We feed them, walk them, pet and cuddle them. They devote their lives to us by keeping us alert to dangers by barking, snuggling us when it’s bedtime, and reminding us in their way that they are hungry because “it’s time” or that we’ve gotten “busy.”

Dog photography is important to me. I love animals! They are all kind souls. I relish creating dog portraits because I understand how meaningful our pets are to their owners and families.

I would love to take your pet’s portraits and here’s why: There is something remarkable about seeing your dog in all of his/her character enlarged in print on the walls in your home. You celebrate them today and tomorrow. It’s that magic of looking them in the eye, sharing the moment, and enjoying their character.

Of course, everyone has cute snapshots of their dog on their phone, but the reality is that are lost in an endless scroll of other “moments” and screenshots likely never to be seen again. Don’t let this happen to you!

My approach and what to expect…

I professionally photograph your dog so that his/her character shines through and my images are not mere snapshots.

Each individual session with your pup is structured so the best possible results can be achieved.

I take the time to get acquainted with your dogs so they can be comfortable with me, the set, the lights, and the process.

We take breaks to keep the stress level down.

I share a lot of treats and goodies with our dog models so they end up having a rewarding experience, too. It’s a fun session that lasts about an hour and we always get some great stuff to choose!

Once we are done with the photoshoot, we make selections of your favorites and those get turned into works of art for your tables and walls.

Pet Portraits Near Me